Are you a seeker?

Are you a seeker?

Ok, I admit it: This is a leading question. I already know you are.

The fact is, we are ALL seekers. We are all looking for something. We are all looking for the same thing. We are all on the path.

So, what is a seeker?

A seeker is looking for the Truth. The universal truth. The meaning of our existence.

Why are we here? What is the purpose of life? A seeker looks to answer these questions.

She knows something is missing. She knows her true nature is happiness and bliss. But she only feels that sometimes.

In today's society, too many of us look outside for happiness. We think we will get it by shopping. Or by getting likes on social media.

We are looking on the outside. But what we are seeking is actually inside us.

We seek peace. Joy. We want to calm our busy minds. We want to just BE. To be in this moment, not wanting or needing anything.

Does this resonate? Do you feel like something is missing? Do you wish you were happier? More at peace?

If so, you are not alone.

We are all seekers!

Photo by Marten Newhall on Unsplash


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